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Writer's pictureAPOSA Graduates and Professionals

THE VALUE OF BEING SINGLE: The Art of Living Fearlessly

The truth be told, we all dream that one day a Mr./Mrs. Right will come along, sweeps us off our feet, and everything will turn out just great as we expect it to be. Likewise, in the movies, we fantasize on how he/she would look like, and we even have a checklist for the qualities we are looking for while others imagine recognizing their Mr./Mrs. Right the moment they meet them. Although this is possible, it might not be for everyone. Many people rush into a relationship which eventually leads to settling for Mr./Mrs. Not So Right due to the fear of being alone.

In this new age of rapid technological advancement and social media, it is easier to fall in love with the wrong person in the name of following the crowd, pressure from peers, church and family members.

Also, as means of escaping our biological clock and rejection, we are quick to get into relationships, which prevents us from seeing the value in our season of singleness. No one knows when, where or how they may meet their spouses and since only God's timing is perfect, it is very critical not to join those pursuing a man/woman however, wait on God to lead us to the right person by them pursuing us.

There's beauty in singleness when we move pass away from the idea of expecting to be married. When we appreciate the waiting season we are in now as a gift of God to cling to him most, HE will order our steps to the people after our own heart.

“Singleness ought not to be viewed as a problem, nor marriage as a right. God grants either as a gift.”

As a child of God, to be fully known and fully loved is only fulfilled through a real relationship with Christ. No person can love us better than him. He knows every secret sin, every glared fault, and if we are hidden in him by faith, we are covered by his precious blood. We are forgiven, free, and loved. To treasure this truth set us free from the bondage of a broken heart and bad relationship, to begin with. Living a life of purity and devotion to God will bring far more joy than any physical or relational pressure ever could. Trust that no matter where you are if God plans for you to marry, he will lead you to just the right person, and at the right time.

Not all of us are meant to be married. Some of us, in a waiting season, we will desire to devote our entire life to GOD, and that is normal. "Happiness is not found through finding a soul mate, but through finding satisfaction in a loving Savior who has called you his own and made you a beloved son or daughter of the King of the most high," - Courtesy to Stacy Roach.

Singleness is not a problem to be solved. Be reminded that the Bible in Ecclesiastes 3:5 Good News Translation (GNT) cushion as that, "the time for making love and the time for not making love, the time for kissing and the time for not kissing."

Basically, there is time for everything, and the only problem here is, are you ready to wait and let God work on you during this given season of singleness.

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